Life Trockenrasen: English summary

LIFE Trockenrasen

With the help of the LIFE Trockenrasen project valuable areas of dry grassland are going to be restored or preserved between 2019 and 2026 in 29 different Natura 2000 regions in seven administrative districts in the federal state of Brandenburg.

Open landscapes shaped by little water availability such as dry grass meadows, dunes, and heathland are typical for Brandenburg. Plants and animals living in these landscapes are specialists for aridity and heat.

In the focus of LIFE Trockenrasen as priority there are the habitat types 6120 (xeric sand calcareous grasslands) and 6240 (sub-pannonic steppic grasslands) as well as Jurinea cyanoides, a member of the sunflower family, as priority plant species.

Some of the typical species of these dry grasslands are very rare today: the small pasque flower (Pulsatilla pratensis) as well as the sand milk-vetch (Astragalus arenarius) and the fastigiate gypsophila (Gypsophila fastigiata) thrive only sporadically.
Often a regular use of grazing animals maintaining the open landscapes and preventing the succession of wood is missing. With the establishment and expansion of permanent use within the frame of the project, areas of dry grassland are going to be preserved long-term. Among other measures we help at the initial of the use of derelict land.





Das Projekt LIFE Trockenrasen

Die Stiftung NaturSchutzFonds Brandenburg realisiert gemeinsam mit dem Botanischen Garten der Universität Potsdam und der NABU-Stiftung Nationales Naturerbe von 2019 bis 2026 das Projekt "LIFE Trockenrasen". Mit dem Projekt werden wertvolle Trockenlebensräume im Land Brandenburg geschützt, erhalten und wiederhergestellt.

Janine Ruffer (Projektleitung)
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